Allah Calligraphy
Oil Pastels
The best kind of art is the kind that takes you by surprise (usually). I was reading a very readable book when Juju Mia interrupted me to show me his work on the white board. I confess I was surprised by how good it was! Of course, I may be biased, but see for yourself:
The artist, Juju, 3 years old by his work. He told me it was a "happy face" and a "cheetah bird." Which of course, I thought was brilliant.
As I type this, a large blue marker scrawl on the wall near my bed has caught my eye. And now I just looked around the room and smiled with satisfaction as I saw the many more spots he has covered. Him and I once had a tour around the house as I pointed out to him all the places that displayed his talent, and we'd attempt at cleaning them with a sponge and as I worked hard on them, I'd scold him and make him sit by me and suffer along with me. Little did I know it was a genius at work, and that I was being excruciatingly simple minded and much too straightforward for art to flourish. Well flourish it did. I humbly step back with utmost respect, and would like to declare, "Juju, you have full reign of the walls!" Though I don't speak on behalf of my mother, of course.
Hello Hen!
You are reading this blog post with both amusement and surprise. You would be smiling if hens smiled. It is your duty to post your work every 15 days, write a little bit about it, update me on your progress, all through this blog.
Don't you love the header? But, shouldn't 'Artists' have an apostrophe after it? I noticed my error just now, but changing it would mean redesigning the image, then saving it and uploading it again. I am after all a lazy artist so we'll have to put that off for later.
It is March 16 today.
On March 31st our work is due. I still don't know what I'll be working on for the two weeks.
Anyway, this zebra is off to get a snack.